What’s unique about our approach and PWR’s system is that we work WITH  your ADHD, not against it.

You see, typically, people with ADHD are highly gifted in some areas. These tend to be activities they find interesting and stimulating (like creative arts, computers, sports, music, video games, etc.), but they struggle with uninteresting or boring and tedious activities (like math, reading, detailed tasks, managing time, organization, etc.).

We help our clients lean into challenges and see them as an opportunity for growth. The PWR system helps those struggling with ADHD build on their strengths to experience success early on in the program. When someone feels accomplished, they’re much more likely to be able to apply themselves to things they find difficult.

We help clients stay on track, find motivation, plan their goals, organize their time, make better choices, improve their behaviors, gain confidece, and create strategies for success in multiple life domains.

Initially, we work with our clients and/or parents to:

  •  Identifying current strengths & abilities
  •  Identifying current challenges & areas for growth

From there we work together to come up with your personal “Action & Accountability Plan” — an individualized, goal-oriented plan of action. This is unique to you based on your strengths and needs, and acts like a road map for your future success.

While each plan is unique, because every individual has their own particular needs and talents, bellow are some common challenges we address…


  • Academic underachievement
  • Behavioral issues
  • Productivity concerns
  • Problems with timeliness
  • Difficulty listening
  • Trouble focusing/inattentiveness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Trouble completing things
  • Difficulty making friends
  • Authority issues
  • Aggression


  • Bringing in parental support, involvement, and training
  • Setting and reaching attainable short-term and long-term goals
  • Shifting from non-productive to productive behaviors
  • Developing healthy eating and self-care habits
  • Developing consistent structures and daily routines
  • Taking care of your emotional needs and enjoying life
  • Developing accountability to yourself and others
  • Learning to focus with present-awareness training
  • Developing good follow-through on tasks and projects
  • Developing exercise and fitness goals
  • Improving scheduling and time management
  • Prioritizing daily tasks
  • Utilizing creativity
  • Building self-esteem and confidence
  • Letting go of anger and aggression
  • Dealing with overwhelming feelings
  • Developing positive thinking and attitudes
  • Advocacy (with teachers, schools, IEP/CSE)


Essentially, we help you or your child making the most of your abilities, talents, interests, and leveraging everything you have to offer. Through targeted interventions and the strategic application of time-tested systems and routines, my sincere hope is to help your family find balance and live a happier life.

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