Here we put together some of the most relevant and useful resources that are available online. Check it out!
General Info
- Driven to Disraction, by Edward M. Hallowell M.D. et al.
- Driven from Distraction, by Edward M. Hallowell M.D. et al.
- Answers to Distraction, by Edward M. Hallowell M.D. et al.
- More Attention, Less Deficit: Success Stories for Adults with ADHD, by Ari Tuckman
- Fast Minds: How to Thrive If You Have ADHD (Or Think You Might)
by Craig Surman et al.
Productivity, Self-Help, Positive Psychology
- Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
by Angela Duckworth - The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
by Charles Duhigg - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
by Stephen R. Covey - How to Win Friends & Influence People
by Dale Carnegie - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
by Daniel H. Pink - Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
by Carol Dweck - Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
by Cal Newport - Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success by Shawn Stevenson
- Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
by Matthew Walker - The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
by Brené Brown - Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise
by Anders Ericsson - Mastery
by Robert Greene - Smart Change: Five Tools to Create New and Sustainable Habits in Yourself and Others, by Art Markman PhD
- The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
by Gary Keller
Positive Re-framing of ADHD and Neurodiversity
- The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius
by Gail Saltz - The ADHD Advantage: What You Thought Was a Diagnosis May Be Your Greatest Strength, by Dale Archer MD
- Better Than Normal: How What Makes You Different Can Make You Exceptional , by Dale Archer MD
- Positively ADD: Real Success Stories to Inspire Your Dreams , by Catherine A. Corman et al.
- Square Peg: My Story and What It Means for Raising Innovators, Visionaries, and Out-of-the-Box Thinkers, by L. Todd Rose with Katherine Ellison
- NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
by Steve Silberman
Mindfulness & ADHD
- The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
by Michael A. Singer - Why Buddhism Is True: The Science and Philosophy of Enlightenment
by Robert Wright - The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD: An 8-Step Program for Strengthening Attention, Managing Emotions, and Achieving Your Goals , by Lidia Zylowska et al.
- Mindful Parenting for ADHD: A Guide to Cultivating Calm, Reducing Stress, and Helping Children Thrive, by Mark Bertin MD et al.
- Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition): Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness , by Jon Kabat-Zinn et al. (Not ADHD Specific, but relevant)
- Wherever You Go, There You Are , by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Marvin’s Monster Diary: ADHD Attacks! (And I Win, Big Time) (Mindfulness Book for Kids), by Raun Melmed et al.
- Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom
by Rick Hanson - Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body, by Daniel Goleman
Parents & Teachers
- The Family ADHD Solution, by Mark Bertin, MD
- Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents
by Russell A. Barkley - Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary “Executive Skills” Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential, by Peg Dawson et al.
- Teenagers With Add: A Parents’ Guide (The Special-Needs Collection) , by Chris A. Zeigler Dendy et al.
Executive Functioning Workbooks
- The Executive Functioning Workbook for Teens: Help for Unprepared, Late, and Scattered Teens, by Sharon A. Hansen
- Executive Functioning Success: “Seeing My Time” By Marydee Sklar
Books for Children
- The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD, by John F. Taylor Ph.D.
- Learning To Slow Down & Pay Attention: A Book for Kids About ADHD , by Kathleen G. Nadeau et al.
- Corman, C. L., & Trevino, E. (1995). Eukee the Jumpy Jumpy Elephant. Plantation: Specialty Press, Inc.
An upbeat positive message of success for young children with ADD, ages 3-8 - Galvin, M. (1988). Otto Learns About His Medicine. New York: Magination Press.
A children’s story about a fidgety car who needs medication to control his hyperactivity, ages 3-8 - Levine, M. (1990). Keeping A Head in School. Cambridge: Educators Publishing Service, Inc.
A large print collection of stories for young readers about learning abilities and learning disorders, ages 5-8 - Levine, M. (1993). All Kinds of Minds. Cambridge: Educators Publishing Service, Inc.
A guide for students in upper elementary and middle school about learning abilities and learning disorders, ages 9-13 - Gehret, J. (1990). The Don’t-give-up Kid and Learning Differences. Fairport: Verbal Images Press.
A positive, uplifting story about learning differences, ages 5-10
- Smart but Scattered Teens: The “Executive Skills” Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential, by Richard Guare PhD et al.
- Dendy, C. A. Z. (1995). Teenagers With ADD: A Parents’ Guide. Bethesda,MD: Woodbine House, Inc. A hands-on guide for parents and professionals about the issues and challenges of daily life faced by teens with ADHD. Written by a mom who has “been there”
- Nadeau, K. G. (1998). Help4ADD@High School. Bethesda: Advantage Books. An excellent user friendly guide for teens with ADD
- Dendy, C. A. Z., & Zeigler, A. (2003). A Bird’s-Eye View of Life with ADD and ADHD: Advice from Young Survivors. Cedar Bluff: Cherish the Children.A book for teens, written by teens living with the challenges of ADHD that offers advice and strategies
- Dendy, C. A. Z. (2000). Teaching Teens with ADD and ADHD. Bethesda,MD: Woodbine House. A reference guide for parents and teachers loaded with strategies, interventions, and tips to create a positive learning experience
- Snyder, J. M. (2001). AD/HD & Driving. Whitefish: Whitefish Consultants.
A guide for parents and teens with ADHD that addresses specific problems and issues of teenage drivers
College Students/Adults
- You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder,by Kate Kelly et al.
- ADHD According to Zoë: The Real Deal on Relationships, Finding Your Focus, and Finding Your Keysby Zoë Kessler et al.
Women & ADHD
- The Queen of Distraction: How Women with ADHD Can Conquer Chaos, Find Focus, and Get More Done
by Terry Matlen et al. - Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life
by Sari Solden - Understanding Girls with AD/HD, by Quinn, P. O., Nadeau, K. G., & Littman, E. B
- Integrative Treatment for Adult ADHD, by Ari Tuckman
- A New Understanding of ADHD in Children and Adults: Executive Function Impairments, by Thomas Brown
- Attention Deficit Disorder: The Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults, by Thomas Brown
Asperger’s Syndrome
- Attwood, T. (2007). The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Very readable book that describes Asperger’s disorder for parents and professionals - Jackson, L. (2002). Freaks, Geeks & Asperger Syndrome. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Written by a teen with Asperger Syndrome, practical first-hand experiences offer guidance for adolescents with Asperger’s - Lovecky, D. (2004). Different Minds: Gifted Children with AD/HD, Asperger’s Syndrome, and other Learning Deficits. New York: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Descriptions of the special strengths and difficulties experienced by many children who are extremely bright and talented, but also impaired by ADHD, Asperger’s and related problems - Myles, B. S., & Southwick, J. (1999). Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments. Shawnee Mission: Autism Asperger Publishing Co.
Practical solutions for tantrums, meltdowns, and rage. Geared more toward classroom management - Tanguay, P. B. (2001). Nonverbal Learning Disabilities at Home. Philadelphia: Jessica Kinglsey Publishers.
A valuable, easy to use reference that parents can turn to again and again, filled with strategies and suggestions to help NVLD kids at home
Bipolar Disorder
- Jamison, K. R. (1995). An Unquiet Mind. New York: Vintage Books.
A personal memoir of a successful medical school professor who suffers from bipolar disorder. Moving and enlightening - Waltz, M. (2000). Bipolar Disorders. Sebastopol: O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
A comprehensive look at bipolar disorders in children and adolescents, description of the disorders, diagnosis, medications, life and school issues
Substance Use/Addiction
- Kuhn, C., Swartzwelder, S., & Wilson, W. (2008). Buzzed-3rd Edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Straight facts about the most used & abused drugs from alcohol to ecstasy. An informative book for adults and adolescents about substance abuse
Helps you achieve your goals. StickK can help you find leverage by putting money on the line to achieve your goal. Using a commitment contract and referee to ensure success.
Goal Setting and Achievement
This app helps one stay focused and make desired changes in their own behavior and habits (by automatically reminding them to continue making those changes).
Habitica is a game to help you improve your habits. It “gamifies” your life by turning your tasks into little monsters you have to conquer in the game. The more you are able to defeat the monsters, the more points you get, and the more armor your player gets.
To-Do and task list that can be collaborated with others.
A free, well-organized task-manager app.
Teux Deux
An app to help you with your to-do lists in a visually appealing manner.
An app that helps parents keep track of their child’s good behavior, and reward them appropriately.
Home Routines
Helps you create lists of jobs that need to be done around the same time, or on the same day.
Epic Win
This app is to-do list, but gamified. So rather than just ticking off your chores and reminders, completing each one earns you points to improve and develop your character and go up in levels.
An app to help you track and stay on top of your helpful habits.
Helpful app for managing all of your tasks, as well as collaborative tasks!
App to help you with any to-do you need to keep track of.
Organized, straight-forward reminder app.
A voice recognition app to help keep track of daily tasks.
Remember the Milk
To do app for busy people.
A helpful app to help one complete the tasks on their to-do list.
Apple’s Reminders
Iphone reminder app
Helpful app for managing tasks, focusing on what is most important to you.
Google Calendar
A virtual calendar set to help one organize their time, appointments, reservations, schedules, etc.
Calendars 5
Daily Planner and task manager.
An app that connects all of your email accounts, calendars and files in one place.
Helps you keep track of your appointments and events with multiple calendars displaying upcoming events by day, week or month.
A calendar app keeping track of all of your upcoming tasks and events.
Helpful app to help you navigate through your courses, lectures, deadlines, and all assignments!
School Organization
An app to help you easily access and keep track of your assignments across any device.
School Organization
An app with a built in daily planner and a notebook for each class.
School Organization
The Homework App
A way to view your assignments and homework across many devices.
School Organization
An effective way to study for quizzes or tests through online flashcards and quizzes.
Flashcards Deluxe
Flashcard app used to practice any sort of information that you want.
Study Blue
Flashcards from yourself and others at your fingertips.
Sleep Time
Alarm clock app that monitors your sleep and wakes you up during your lighter sleep stages.
This app forces you to get out of bed into your bathroom to scan the barcode of your toothpaste in order to turn it off.
An alarm clock that requires you to perform a certain task in order to turn it off. For example, shaking it, doing a math problem, or taking a picture of a certain room in your house.
Snap me up
This alarm opens your camera up when it goes off, and only turns off when a light is detected (i.e. when you turn the light on).
Wake N Shake
An alarm app where the only way that you can turn it off is through shaking it.
I Can’t Wake Up!
This alarm app does not turn your alarm off until you complete 8 tasks. For example, 4 math tasks, and 4 memory tasks.
Apple’s Built-in – Bedtime App
Sleep tracker through the iphone.
A journal app to help you express your daily feelings and thoughts
Note Taking
Simple note taking app with helpful annotations.
Note taking
An app to help you type, hand write, draw, and clip things from the web to get down your thoughts into your notebook.
Note taking
Note taking and annotation app.
Note taking
Sketching and diagramming app (very helpful for mental models).
Note taking
An app helping you take notes through drawing on your tablet or phone.
Note taking
Mind mapping app that helps you share and build on your ideas.
Note taking
Mind Meister
An app to create, share, and edit mind maps.
Note taking
Meer Notes
An app to help one write notes on their devices in more of an old school notebook manner.
Note Taking
Simple Note
A clean, organized way to write notes on any device.
Note Taking
App that helps families with children stay on task and on time every day.
It includes guidance, rewards, voice prompts and monitoring.
Stay on Task
An app to help you improve your focus by checking up on you through a random timer.
This app is a tool to help serve as a “Daily Reminder and Interval Timer to Manage Stress and Build Healthy Habits.” It lets people make simultaneous training messages like “PAY ATTENTION”, “RELAX” or “STRETCH” at fixed or random times.
Focus Time
An app that helps you focus by monitoring 25 minute chunks of time, and monitoring that time.
An app where you can customize how connected you are (blocking messages ,calls, apps) at given times.
An app that tracks how much you use your phone and other devices every day. If you do not like the amounts, you can set daily limits or blocks and be told when you go over.
This app monitors phone and app usage and tracks how addicted you are to your phone and apps. It then guides you on how you can control phone usage.
App Detox
AppDetox helps you to bring down your phone usage in order to concentrate. You are able to set your own rules for your apps.
A app to block distractions across many devices.
Mindfulness app with many options to help with daily relaxation and meditation.
Mediation app with personalized tracking, motivational challenges and rewards.
Meditation Studio
Guided meditation app.
Mindfulness and meditation app with multiple programs to help you destress and find joy.
Priority Matrix
The Priority Matrix software helps you prioritize, focus, and work effectively.
Boards and lists that help you prioritize and organize projects in a working team environment.
Prioritize Me!
A way to enter your tasks and goals and number them in terms of most important to you.
One List
An easy to use app to manage your tasks in a prioritized manner.
Time Timer
A visual timer designed to “show” the passage of time through the use of a red disk that disappears as time elapses.
Time Management
Task Timer
This app helps you to make a list of tasks with time goals in hours, and keep track of the amount of time that you spend on each task.
Time Management
Chore Monster
This is an app to quickly create chores with point values. When your child says they’re done, you approve and they get the points. Those points are added up and a reward for reaching a certain amount of points can be anything from money to a trip to the movies to a hug!
Time Management
Pavlok 2 is our 2nd generation hardware that uses beep, vibration, and zap to help you break bad habits and build good ones. Pavlok 2 teams up with the Pavlok mobile app to not only track your habits, but change them.
With in-app modules to help you be more grateful, or to quit smoking, you are sure to find what you need to break your bad habits and build good ones.
Habit Breaking
Dragon Dictate
Voice recognition application that allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages.
Google speech to text function
A program that allows you to speak and have the words appear on any google browser.
Mac Speech to text
Converts spoken words into text.
Rescue Time
A software system helping with your productivity and time management throughout the day. It lets you know how long it has taken you to complete something, blocks websites at given times, tells you what you have accomplished that day, and generally helps you complete your tasks for the day.
An app blocker across all devices, blocking what you want, when you want.
Self Control
An app blocker to block the sites that you choose, for the given amount of time that you want.
Cold Turkey
A customizable app blocker that locks your settings, has a calendar that you can set up of given times to block certain sites, and much more.
Focal Filter
FocalFilter is a free tool that helps temporarily block distracting websites. After the timer runs out, your websites are available again.
Inspiration Maps
A mind mapping tool that can be used for any ages and topics.
Note Taking
Microsoft Projects
Stay organized, focused, and in charge. Tackle anything from small projects to large initiatives. You may or may not be a project manager, but now you can be the boss of any project with a powerful, easy-to-use app.
Project Management
Putting on the Brakes
Patricia O Quinn
A book describing tips and techniques for managing attention deficits.
ADD Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life
Judith Kolberg
A helpful book to guide one with ADD in the organization of their lives.
Driven to Distraction
Edward M. Hallowell M.D. et al.
A book with real life ADHD stories, getting rid of myths, effective treatment and coping mechanisms, and generally teaching one about the downsides and upsides of ADHD.
Delivered from Distraction
Edward M. Hallowell M.D. et al.
A book describing the symptoms, causes, treatment, upsides, and much more of ADHD
Answers to Distraction
Edward M. Hallowell M.D. et al.
A response to the most frequently asked questions about ADHD. For example, practical day to day advice and treatment options.
More Attention, Less Deficit: Success Stories for Adults with ADHD
Ari Tuckman
A book talking about ADHD in many facets, that is written in a way to help adults with ADHD properly read and get all of the information needed (even if they tend to jump around in books).
Fast Minds:How to Thrive if You Have ADHD (Or if You Think You Might)
Craig Surman
This is a book generally meant to inform, as well as empower those with ADHD.
The ADHD Advantage: What You Thought Was a Diagnosis May Be Your Greatest Strength
Dale Archer MD
This book empowers those with ADHD to not solely look at their symptoms as a way to inhibit them, but a way to motivate them.
Positive Re-framing of ADHD
Better Than Normal: How What Makes You Different Can Make You Exceptional
Dale Archer MD
A book to help one discover how their unique traits can be very helpful to their life.
Positive Re-framing of ADHD
Positively ADD: Real Success Stories to Inspire Your Dreams
Catherine A. Corman et al.
A book talking about many who have been diagnosed with ADHD, and who have achieved their highest goals, even with the help of their unique qualities.
Positive Re-framing of ADHD
Coming to Our Senses
John Cabot Zinn
A book about Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness.
Fully Present
Susan Smalley
A book about the science, art, and practice of mindfulness.
Mindful Parenting for ADHD: A Guide to Cultivating Calm, Reducing Stress, and Helping Children Thrive
Mark Bertin MD et al.
A book to help your child with ADHD take a more controlled and calm view towards their lives through mindfulness.
Marvin’s Monster Diary: ADHD Attacks! (And I Win, Big Time) (Mindfulness Book for Kids)
Raun Melmed et al.
A cartoon monster who struggles with ADHD who helps kids learn to be more mindful in order to help manage their ADHD.
The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD: An 8-Step Program for Strengthening Attention, Managing Emotions, and Achieving Your Goals
Lidia Zylowska et al.
A book involving an 8 step program to help one use mindfulness in order to conquer their ADHD.
Understanding Girls with AD/HD
Kathleen Nadeau
A book teaching one about ADHD among many women, across the span of their lives.
Women and ADHD
Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life
Sari Solden
A book about women and their experiences with ADHD, advice on treatment, as well as descriptions of how to eliminate the shame that some women associate with ADHD.
Women and ADHD
Integrative Treatment for Adult ADHD
Ari Tuckman
This book touches on the integration of education, medication, coaching, and cognitive behavioral therapy to go beyond what traditional therapeutic techniques can offer.
A New Understanding of ADHD in Children and Adults: Executive Function Impairments
Thomas Brown
This book talks about the more recent scientific research that has been on ADHD, looking at it as a developmental disorder of the cognitive management system of the brain (executive functioning).
Attention Deficit Disorder: The Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults
Thomas Brown
This book by Thomas Brown gets rid of myths, and offers practical information in order to reassure those with ADHD.
The Family ADHD Solution
Mark Bertin, MD
This book gives advice to parents that are struggling with their children’s ADHD. It explains causes, symptoms, and approaches for help.
For Parents and Teachers
Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents
Russell A. Barkley
A book giving scientific information important to know about ADHD, as well as an 8-step behavior management program for kids ages 6-18 who struggle with ADHD.
For Parents and Teachers
Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary “Executive Skills” Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential
Peg Dawson et al.
A book focusing on troubles with executive skills in kids and how to better understand where they may struggle.
For Parents and Teachers
Teaching Teens with ADD, ADHD, and Executive Functioning Deficits
Chris A. Zeigler
A book filled with new information on ADHD research, giving advice on how to meet the educational, medical, and social needs of teens with ADHD.
For Parents and Teachers
AD/HD & Driving: A Guide for Parents of Teens with AD/HD
J. Marlene Snyder
This book is meant for those who are teaching people with ADHD to drive. It talks about what we know about their tendencies when driving, and 20 steps for parents that promote safe driving behaviors.
For Parents and Teachers
Teenagers With Add: A Parents’ Guide (The Special-Needs Collection)
Chris A. Zeigler Dendy et al
A guide to help one manage and cope with and understand the struggles of having a teen with ADD.
For Parents and Teachers
Parenting Children with ADHD: 10 Lessons That Medicine Cannot Teach (APA Lifetools)
Vincent J. Monastra
A book focusing on how kids with ADHD need to be met with people who are loving, patient, and attentive in order to become successful adults.
For Parents and Teachers
My Brother’s a World-Class Pain A Sibling’s Guide to ADHD-Hyperactivity
Michael Gordon
A book meant for siblings of those with ADHD to help them understand their siblings symptoms and difficulties, in order to have them get a better understanding of the way they are behaving.
For kids
Eukee the Jumpy Jumpy Elephant
Clifford L. Corman
A book to help children with ADHD understand their minds, through learning about the experiences of Eukee, an elephant that portrays those difficulties.
For kids
Otto Learns About His Medicine
Matthew R Galvin
A story about ADD and ADHD that is meant for kids ages 4-8. It describes medication as part of a way to help those with ADHD, along with other helpful tools.
For kids
Keeping aHead in School
Melvin D. Levine
A student-targeted book explaining many different types of and facets of learning disabilities and disorders.
For kids
The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD
John F. Taylor Ph.D
A book geared towards kids to help them understand more of what it means to have ADHD and what they can do to help them with their difficulties in school and at home. It explains (all in a kid friendly manner), some of the real life experiences that some children with ADHD can relate to, such as having trouble in school, getting medication, having appointments, etc.
For kids
All Kinds of Minds
Melvin Levine
A book for kids to help them understand different kinds of learning abilities and disbilites.
For kids
The Don’t-give-up Kid and Learning Differences
Geanne Gehret
This book is about a child with learning disabilities named Alex. It looks at things such as the latest tactile techniques used in schools, as well as helps with building a positive image of oneself despite learning struggles.
For kids
50 Activities and Games for Kids with ADHD
Patricia O Quinn
A book with games, activities, and resources for kids with ADHD.
For Kids
Cory Stories: A Book about Living with ADHD
Jeanne Kraus
In short statements, this book describes what it’s like to have ADHD, how it affects his relationships with friends and family, school performance and overall functioning.
For Kids
Learning To Slow Down & Pay Attention: A Book for Kids About ADHD
Kathleen G. Nadeau et al.
This book looks at changes in the understanding of ADHD and looks at a world with ADHD from the POV of the child, understanding what they find to be hard.
For kids
Smart but Scattered Teens: The “Executive Skills” Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential
Richard Guare PhD et al.
A book to help promote teens upcoming independence through trying to help build their executive skills/abilities needed to get organized, stay focused, and control impulses and emotions.
For Teens
A Bird’s-Eye View of Life with ADD and ADHD: Advice from Young Survivors
Chris A. Zeigler Dendy & Alex Zeigler
A book on understanding being a teen with ADHD through the eyes of people who have experienced hard times because of their ADHD.
For Teens
Help4ADD@High Schoo
Kathleen M. Nadeau
A book that is designed to look like a website that teens can surf on. It has “straight talk” on high school, drugs, sex, friends, driving, parents, college and much more from an ADHD perspective.
For Teens
Your Life Can Be Better, Using strategies for adult ADD/ADHD
Douglas A. Puryear
This book is about strategies for adult ADD or ADHD to make life easier. It has many helpful personal stories as well.
College Students/ Adults
You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
Kate Kelly et al.
A book about what to do about your ADHD and the problems it brings when you are transitioning into adult life and are much more independent. It offers experiences, information, how-tos, and moral support.
College Students/Adults
ADHD According to Zoë: The Real Deal on Relationships, Finding Your Focus, and Finding Your Keys
Zoë Kessler et al.
An author who talks about how instead of seeing her labeling of someone with ADHD as a burden, she used it to get a better understanding of herself, her relationship with others, and even her writing.
ADHD and Relationships
The ADHD Effect on Marriage: Understand and Rebuild Your Relationship in Six Steps
Melissa Orlov
A book that aims to guide couples in a way towards being more understanding of the troubles and helps that ADHD can bring to a relationship.
ADHD and Relationships
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities at Home
Pamela Tanguay
A valuable, easy to use reference that parents can turn to again and again, filled with strategies and suggestions to help NVLD kids at home.
Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments
Brenda Myles and Jack Southwick
This book gives parents and professionals solutions to circumstances that surround the rage cycle.
Different Minds: Gifted Children with AD/HD, Asperger’s Syndrome, and other Learning Deficits
Deirdre Loveeky
A book that looks into the challenges and benefits of gifted children with attention difficulties. One is led through methods of diagnosis and how best to nurture their needs.
Freaks, Geeks & Asperger Syndrome
Luke Jackson
A book meant to give 13 to 18 year olds support, information and advice about mental health issues and conditions of those issues. .
The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome
Tony Attwood
A book with a great deal of information on many aspects of the condition among adults and children.
Fidgets & ASD Products
Tangle Relax Therapy
A twistable toy that is meant to help one relax and concentrate through tactile fidgeting.
Fiddlelinks Fidgets
A product with interlacing and rotating links to help one stay calm.
Nut and Bolt Pencil Toppers
A rubber topper to one’s pens or pencil to play with, in order to refrain from other distracting calming techniques to others, such as clicking ones pen repetively.
Roller Chain
6 metal chain links with silicone chain bands to play with.
Fidget Cube
A high-quality desk toy designed for all ages to help with focus.
Standing Desk
A standing desk.
Gaiam Kids Stay-N-Play Balance Ball
Inflatable ball with built-in no-roll stabilizing legs that helps with posture and mind engagement.
Bouncy Bands
A band to place on the bottom of a desk, used to help one fidget without distracting others.
Wobble Chair
Stable, as well as flexible chair to help with fidgety habits.
Stress Ball
A squishy ball to help one relieve stress through squeezing it.
A watch that tracks heart rate, steps, sleep, calories, and workouts.
Wearable Tech
Apple Watch
A watch with all of the aspects of an iphone, and much more.
Wearable Tech
Watch Minder
A watch that cues you to do certain things at certain times throughout the day.
Wearable Tech
Samsung Watch
A watch with all of the aspects of a samsung phone, and much more.
Wearable Tech
Clocky and Tocky
An alarm clock that “runs away” when it goes off in order to wake you up!
Sonic Boom with Super Shaker
An alarm with a built in bed-vibrating unit.
Screaming Meanie
An alarm that goes off louder than a high powered leaf blower! You will be sure to wake up.
An alarm that vibrates your bed when it goes off.
Time Timer
Visual timer where the clock face turns red. Built by a Mother who has a child with special needs. There are also digital versions.
Time Management
Muse Headset
A brain sensing headband that heightens your meditation experience. It gently guides your meditation through changing sounds of weather based on the real-time state of your brain that helps you get a deeper sense of focus.
Live Scribe
Smartpens that enable customers to capture, search and share handwritten notes on their devices.
Note Taking
Neo N2
A pen that transfers your work on paper to the digital world.
Note Taking
Apple Pencil
Apple’s version of a digital pen.
Note Taking
The Slate
An ipad-type device combining the experience of drawing on paper with the limitless possibilities of digital technology.
Note Taking
Smart pen.
Note Taking
Wacom Bamboo Slate
A creative pen tablet that brings your sketches and writing into the digital world.
Note Taking
A powerful yet simple daily planner to help you optimize your day and tackle your goals.
The Pac-Kit
A planer used to separate different classes and tasks in a more efficient and organized manner.
The Work-Smart Academic Planner
A planner to help you keep track of and stay on top of your schoolwork.
The Executive Functioning Workbook for Teens: Help for Unprepared, Late, and Scattered Teens
Sharon A. Hansen
A workbook for teens who suffer from executive functioning disorder, helping them handle frustration, take notes, and much more.
Executive Functioning Workbooks
Executive Functioning Success: “Seeing My Time”
Marydee Sklar
An Interactive workbook with hands-on activities that teach concepts and strategies to help with executive function skills (focusing on time management, planning and organization)
Executive Functioning Workbooks
CEO of Self
Jan Johnston-Tyler
A book with tips, tools, and strategies to help people with their executive control.
Executive Functioning Workbooks
Time Timer – Visual timer that where clock face turns red. Built by a Mother who has a child with special needs. There are also digital versions.
Standing Desks
Bouncy Seats/Wiggle Chairs
- Wiggle Seat Inflatable Sensory Chair Cushion for Kids
by Sensory Solutions - Kore Patented WOBBLE Chair, Made in the USA, Active Sitting for Toddler, Pre-School, Kids, and Teens; Kids don’t have to sit still anymore – “The BEST seat in any Classroom”!
by Kore
Smart Watches
- Apple Watch: This is the best smart watch in my opinion.
Academic Planners/Calendars (Paper)
- The Work-Smart Academic Planner: Write It Down, Get It Done , by Peg Dawson EdD et al.
Academic Planners/Calendars (Digital)
- iStudiez PRO (iOS/Mac, Android, Windows, Desktop versions) – Great for College Students to organize your assignments, exams, course syllabus items, and calendar all in one place.
- Google Calendar (iOS/Mac, Android, Windows, Desktop versions) – Many schools are moving toward Google Classroom. Using Google Calendar students can sync their calendar with their phone, tablet, or laptop. Google Calendar also has “Tasks” (ToDo List type) and “Reminders” (Set alerts) functionality.
- Calendars 5 (iOS/Mac) – Clean, user friendly look. Syncs your Google Calendar with your iPhone.
PWR’s You Tube channel watchlist:Kids In The House: videos on ADHD from experts in the field.
National Resource Center on ADHD – ADHD Science, Information, Resources, Support
AADAP: ADHD resources from the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
ADDA: Attention Deficit Disorder Association see their ADD/ADHD section for great general information on the topic
Additude Magazine: a popular ADHD publication and online blog with great content, links, articles, blog posts, etc.
APSARD: American Professional Society of ADHD Related Disorders
CHADD:Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is a nationally recognized authority on ADHD and non-profit organization.
Center for Parent Information and Resources: a huge amount of articles, links, and information for parents of children with disabilities.
Child Mind Institute: their site is chalked full of valuable info.
Everyday Health: another great site with an overview of ADHD symptoms, causes, treatment, and features articles from experts.
Intelligent: College Planning Guide for Students With Learning Disabilities
IEP & 504 Plan information
NIMH: the National Institute of Mental Health has a ton of information about ADD/ADHD – overview, treatment, diagnosis, symptoms, etc.
WebMD: helpful ADHD medical information on treatment, signs, symptoms, and diagnosis.
(for informational use only)
DSM-5 Symptom Checklist for Children
Developmental Screening and Assessment Instruments (Birth – 5yrs old)
Vanderbilt Parent Follow Up Assessment
Behavioral Checklist: by M. Kutscher- for parents to give to their child’s teacher and subsequently show to a mental health professional.
Vanderbilt Parent Assessment Scale
Vanderbilt Teacher Assessment Follow-Up
Vanderbilt Teacher Assessment Scale
ADHD Preference and Goal Instrument (ADHD PGI) Instructions:Fiks AG, Mayne S, Hughes CC, DeBartolo E, Behrens C, Guevara JP, Power T. Development of an instrument to measure parents’ preferences and goals for the treatment of Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder.Acad Ped, 2012; 12(5):445-455.
ADHD ReWired, Eric Tivers, LCSW
How to ADHD by Jessica McCabe
ADHD Experts Podcast
ADHD for Smart Ass Women by Tracy Otsuka
Attention Talk Radio
ADHD Support Talk Radio Online Radio
ADHD Meds | Straight Talk
Sleep With Me Podcast – This podcast is intentionally boring and will put you right to sleep.
More Attention Less Deficit – by Ari Tuckman
Getting Along with Others Social Skills Sheet
Practice Raising Your Hand Before Speaking
Weekly Progress Report
Homework Contract
Manual: How to Use a Daily Report Card Program
Daily Report Card for Preschool and Kindergarten Students
Daily Report Card for Elementary Students
Daily Report card for Middle School Students
Blank Daily Report Card
Home Token Economy Program
Manual: How to Set Up a Home Token Economy Program
Behavior Contract
How did You Do in School Today?
My Jobs List Behavior Chart
Morning Jobs Behavior Chart
My Bedtime Jobs List
Communicating Respectfully
Problem Solving Worksheet
Steps to Problem Solving
Overcoming Roadblocks to Family Communication
Identifying Thoughts and Feelings that Lead to Anger
Changing Angry Thoughts to Calm Thoughts
Identifying Feelings
Keeping an Anger Log
Forgiving Others
Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Conflict
Using Self-Talk to Manage Problems
Calming and Upsetting Self-Talk Activity
Eat Lunch with a Friend Today
Tell Everyone About Your Terrific Behavior Today
You Earned Being a Class Monitor Today
You Earned Computer Time Today
You Earned Free Time in the Art Center Today
You Earned Free Time Today
Tell Everyone You’re a Good Friend
Tell Everyone You Did Good Work Today
You Earned a Homework Pass Today
Tell Everyone You Listened Like a Champ Today get most books in speech to text format from this service